Plastic Free sweet pouches filled with cruelty free Vegan sweets
Brought to you by Handy Candy, this exclusive range sweet pouches are available are Vegan friendly and 100% plastic free!
Did you know that between 50-80% of our oxygen actually comes from our oceans?
While others are planting trees (a great initiative!), our oceans need our care and attention, as much as our land. We also know that plastic in our seas is an epic problem, and sadly we know that sweet treats contribute to this plastic pollution from bags to individual wrappers to lolly sticks to novelty packaging. The big sweet manufacturers need to do more to change in our view. But that shouldn't stop us from making changes ourselves.
We donate 50p from every pouch sold to Oceans Generation, a UK organisation dedicated to restoring a sustainable relationship between humanity and the ocean. They are championing a global movement to tackle ocean threats, such as plastic pollution, through science, storytelling and education. Find out more about them at
Furthermore, Handy Candy is a small business already doing big things to operate in a more socially responsible way from using compostable packing filler to paper parcel tape. This combined with Kind Candy makes for a pioneering partnership! Read more about what Handy Candy is doing here.